The project involved installing a Woodwarm Fireview 6KW woodburner in an old property in Williton, Somerset. The Woodwarm FIreview is an excellent quality, A rated energy efficient stove from an established brand and comes in a selection of colours and styles and a 10 year warranty.
The customer had a new bespoke stone fire surround custom made and installed on a slate hearth.
We installed long legs on the Woodwarm Fireview stove to protect the hearth from the temperature of its firebox. Woodwarm also supply a curved rear adaptor made of cast iron, which allows the stove to swept through the firebox. The Woodwarm rear adaptor attaches to the rear outlet of the stove and is useful when installing in deep recesses as it will bring the stove forwards into the room.
The Woodwarm Fireview 6kw stove requires an air vent in the room as it is over the 5KW threshold.
Depending on property type and age, you generally require 550mm2 of air ventilation for every 1kw over the 5kw limited if the property was built before 2008.
You need to have 300mm of hearth in front of the woodburner unless specified in the stove manual.
As HETAS installers we can supply and install all makes of Woodwarm stoves in the Williton and Somerset Area.